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Equip360 Customer Portal

Boost Sales, Grow Customer Satisfaction, and Improve Efficiency

Making it easy to get started on

a digital path.

Not ready for a publicly facing eCommerce store at this time, BUT ready to improve the customer experience for owners and operators of your equipment? A customer portal may be the perfect starting point for your digital commerce journey.

With a customer portal, you don’t have to worry about anonymous users coming to your store to shop around. You have full control over who accesses the site and what they see when they log in.

Equipping customers with the information they need to identify parts, quote, order, check order status and pay invoices. 


Buyers are looking for self-service options, so providing them with a secure and optimized online option increases revenue and keeps customers coming back for repeat purchases. Buyers can be fully confident they’re getting the exact part or equipment they need, and they’ll be updated on the purchase every step of the way.
Equip360 was built specifically to ease the process of doing business with a manufacturer.

It provides a personalized experience that gives real-time insights into inventory, pricing, order tracking, and more. It also improves efficiency for the business through the automation of routine tasks, and it makes repeat purchases a breeze.

Benefits of Equip360 Customer Portal:

  • Saves time for both customers and employees

  • Provides real-time information on price, availability, and order status

  • Intuitive interface that simplifies parts ordering

  • Gives insights into customer behavior

  • Maximize sales through up-selling and suggested items

  • Easily access invoices and previous orders

  • Not open to the public!

Discover how Equip360’s Customer Portal

Solution can work for your business.

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